Sinister Fireworks are committed to the implementation of an efficient Green Environment Policy.
The Pyrotechnics Industry is often seen as a highly pollutive industry. Sinister Fireworks are committed to making our environment greener and reducing our carbon footprint.
Our policy aims to implement sustainable actions using the minimum of materials with the minimum amount of waste through increased efficiency, responsible waste disposal and sourcing products that are already using sustainable and recycled products.
We currently implement the following initiatives and constantly look to further our options in reducing our impact:
- Strict Waste Recycling: We use recyclable products when this choice is available.
- We prefer to use reusable products within our business and try to avoid disposable products given the opportunity.
- In most cases only use products made from recycled materials and source our products from manufacturers already implementing and committed to sustainability.
- Implementation of energy efficient equipment and power with full Solar Capability's installed.
- Reduced Black powder in our products, being replaced with a more environmentally friendly compound.
- Our HQ is based in a rural setting and we are continually adding new plantings as well as maintaining what is already in place to help with our Carbon Footprint.
Already know what we do and ready for some serious fireworks action?
Please contact us for a no obligation quote and assessment of your Pyrotechnic and Fireworks needs.